The Matt Bors edited anthology The Nib has been banging around in various forms since 2015. Along the way it has features a stunning array of superstar cartoonists like Pat Ollphant, Nate Powell and Tom Tomorrow, and collected a variety of nominations from the Eisner, Ignatz, and Reuben awards. In 2019, The Nib won the Ringo award for best webcomic.

In its current manifestation, the Nib is delivered on a daily basis to your email inbox. It is collected into books and magazines for purchase. And it exists on a website where you can read endless hundreds of comics, going back years.

The comics feature a wide variety of styles, and range from sharp political satire to informative documentaries to chronicles of personal journeys. Even as its editorial focus is deliberately narrowed to the non-fiction genre, the results in the hands of these artists is an incredible showcase of styles, moods and subject matter. What all these comics have in common is a powerful sense of discovery that expands the reader’s worldview.